Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I'm reading now.

I just started reading the book entitled God's Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. Here's one excerpt from the introduction of the book:

"I had already completed a theology degree at university, but it left me unable to find my way around the Bible. There had been detailed analysis of individual books and passages, but no one had shown me how they fit together. My friend however was able to travel through the Bible with apparent ease. It was as if he was using a map while I was left without any sense of direction. I asked him how he did it. He told me about a book that outlined the main elements in the story of the Bible from beginning to end.

"My aim (in writing this book) is to provide all Christians, from the new convert to the mature believer, with an overview of the whole Bible that will help them see how the different parts fit together. I want to put in my reader's hands the map that I have found so helpful. "
If you've ever wondered how the Old Testament ties into and prepares readers for the New Testament, then this is the book for you. (PS: Its an easy read too!! You could get through it in a week!)

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