Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Adoption update

Yesterday we were told that Korea has decided to issue NO Emigration Permits until February, despite the fact that we were told paperwork would resume being processed in January. No reason was given. (Keep in mind, no child can leave the country without this piece of paperwork which they stopped issuing last June.) We were also told that they believe Korea will only accept one batch of Emigration Permits to be submitted each month, whereas last year there were months were two, three, sometimes even four batches were submitted within a month. What does this mean? It means that adoptions will be intentionally processed very slowly; much slower than ever before.

What does this mean for us personally? Who knows? We are two months behind those who are first in line to receive an Emigration Permit. Also keep in mind that once our Emigration Permit is submitted, it will still take 4-8 weeks to be approved and then we still have other paperwork that will need to be done before travel. This means even AFTER we get submitted and approved we'll still have things to wait on. All I know is that traveling this spring basically a pipe dream. I think summer is now the realistic season, but even then I hold to that very loosely because when we were first matched we were told fall, then we were told spring, and now were being told summer…so basically every time were get close, the date is changed – and it typically extends our wait by 3-4 months.

I will refrain from an emotional/angry rant about this situation as it will not do anyone any good and will not bring God glory. I am however BEYOND frustrated, and honestly wonder if we will ever get our little girl. Keep in mind, her birthmother or foster family can adopt her as long as she is in the country, so this line of thought is not unrealistic. I mean, how can her foster family bear to give her to us after she has been with them for almost two years?!? (…and how can I be the one to take her?)

So here's where I'm at: I'm WAY too far down this path to cling to unrealistic optimism that is based on absolutely nothing but unfounded hopes. I don't want to be pessimistic and negative either. I guess right now, I'm just staring into the face of the facts as I've been given them and the reality of what has already happened. I've long since stopped sticking my head in the sand and choosing ignore all the bad news that has been steadily coming my way since last June. I'd be foolish to pretend its all peachy when it is clearly not. I will say this; my prayers have changed from, "please bring Avery home quickly," to, "do whatever is best for her," and that's a very, very hard prayer to pray.


  1. I'm so sorry Heather. I've been praying for you. I heard the same news from a couple from church waiting to bring their child home from Korea too. Waiting is not fun, especially the kind when there is no "average time" or timeline to follow. God's timing and plans are definitely more than I can understand, but he can also do the impossible. Praying for patience and peace as you wait.

  2. Oh Heather.... my heart hurts for you. I can't imagine where you're at and how you're feeling right now. Know that none of this has taken God by surprise even if we are shocked by it... He definitely has a plan for Avery, and for you. He will be glorified in all your lives, no matter the outcome, whether she's with you or not.... praying for your heart to have peace and faith in the unknown and uncertainty.

  3. Just know that our hearts and prayers continue to be with you guys. I can't imagine how tough this is, and we will pray that He will give you HIS peace as you glorify HIM in the midst of all this.
