Friday, April 1, 2011

A year ago today...

...we were given our beautiful daughter and she became ours for good! I was so overwhelmed with emotions; joy, grief, happiness, and fear.

April 1st, Seoul Korea. Addison with her wonderful foster mother.

Just left the arms of her foster mother and is on the way back to the hotel.
playing timidly at the hotel

April 2: arriving home....lots of people!

May 1st: she turns 1! The beautiful hanbok dress was a gift from her foster mother.

June - sporting a new dress (with chocolate ice cream on it)

The 4th of July

August - a gift from her foster mother!

September - at a football game

October - at the pumpkin patch

Trick-or-treating with her cousin Owem

November - sleeping soundly

December - getting our Christmas tree

We finalize!!! She is legally ours!!!


January - with gifts from her foster mother

February - in Daddy's shoes

March - at Great Wolf Lodge!!

My how quickly a year has gone. We are blessed beyond measure. To God be the glory.


  1. What an amazing year! Great post! Congratulations on your Family Day!

  2. 하선이가 간지도 벌써 일년이 넘었네요.
    항상 사진을 올려주셔서 하선이가 예쁘게 커가는걸
    잘볼수 있어서, 정말 감사드립니다.
    저희 어머님도 항상 감사드린다고 하십니다.
    앞으로도 하선이의 예쁜 모습 계속 올려 주시면
    가족 모두에게 항상 하나님의 축복과 사랑이 함께하길
    가족 모두 건강하시고, 행복하시길 기도합니다.

  3. Translation:
    Ha-seon left more than one year already. Thank you so much for up-loading pictures all the time so that we can see how Ha-seon is growing. If you can keep up-loading pictures, it would be very nice. I pray God's blessing will be with your family all the time. I hope your family will be healthy and happy. Bye~~

    (This message was left by Addison's foster mother. We love her. We wish she lived closer)
